What I Learned and how I studied

Most of the questions I tried to use my common sense in order to answer. I reviewed over the team teachers in order to get a better understanding of the concepts and I searched up a few questions I did not have a clear understanding of. Overall it felt quite okay with some easy questions and some harder questions. I had a trouble time with the selecting two answer questions, which I got at least one of them right but not the other one correct. I mainly need help with the coding sections on the mcq, as sometimes they are hard for me to understand. With that here are my corrections for the questions:

Questions I missed

11th: According to information in the table, what color is represented by the binary RGB tripled (11111111,11111111,11110000)?

I chose Light yellow when the answer is actually ivory. I mistakened the placements for the binary values, I eliminated C and D though easily.

13th: Which of the foloowing cannot be determined from the infromation collected by the system?

I chose D (the total number of people who borrowed at least one book in a given year), this answer could be determined because the database can hold this information. It was B because the database only tracks books that were borrowed and not the other way around.

16th : While debugging the program, the student realizes that the loop never terminates. Which of the following changes can be made so that the program works as intended?

I have a trouble time with the coding questions so it was hard with this. I kind of had to guess, and I think its important for me to review the coding concepts every now and then. The answer was A, intersering index = index + 1 to iterate.

20th: Which of the following best describes the average amount of data stored per user for the first eigh years of the application existence?

I didn’t know the conversion to GB and I wasn’t really paying attention, I had a hard time with this as well. The answer is A because it increases by about 10 GB every year and it is consistent.

36th: However, the simulation takes a very long time to run. The planners update the model by removing some variables they consider less important than others. Of the following, which is the most likely effect the updated model will have on the simulation?

For this question, I was guessing between either A or B because new software tends to have a lower runtime because it is faster. Turns out the answer is A because the complexity of the ML model has an impact on the runtime. A is the correct answer by this logic.

40th: Which of the following best explains how a certificate authority is used in protecting data?

This I believe is a team teach question, so I need to go back and review it. The answer was either C or D because I know that it keeps data highly secure. The answer is D because they provid ownership to the keys, which is used to provide an extra layer of protection.

41th: Let an original file name be stored in the string variable original. Which of the following statements will correctly extract the description and store it in the string variable descr?

I knew III was correct, and I mistakenly incorrectly calculated I and I thought it was II. This is another coding question and this was kind of hard for me. The answer is D because for I it Trims right the first 4 letters and then trims left with the process and it correctly calculates it.

50th: Which of the algorithms run in reasonable time?

I knew II is correct, but turns out all of them run in reasonable time because it needs to take correct stpes less than or equal to that of the polynomial function value. All of them right quite fast, which I didn’t realize so all of them run in reasonable time.

55th: Which of the following can be used as step 2 so that the algorithm works as intended?

The correct answer is A because all of the heights will be in the same order and it will work. This will also work as the algorithm can also calculate the number of people that measured their heights properly and then calculate the average height properly as well.

60th: Which of the following can be used to assign the intended value to count?

Its D because it removes all the dupes, from both lists, combines both, removes dupes from both the lists, and then subtracts the lenght difference. This will get the most accurate result as its taking it from both lists and not just one of them.

62th: Assume that the Boolean variable x is assigned the value true and the Boolean variable y is assigned the value false. Which of the following will display the value true ? Select two answers.

I picked one of the correct answers. I knew this as that is how the or gate worked. Both I didn’t know that A and B are basically the same function written in different form. I need to review my logic gates a little better if I want to get questions like this one correct.

64th: For which of the following procedure calls does the procedure NOT return the intended value? Select two answers.

I picked the correct answer of B, but I picked C instead of D. D is correct because it is originally negative and It will never repeat until the count is greater than or equal to y therefore D is the correct answer.

67th: For which of the following code segments will the call to NumOccurrences NOT return the intended value? Select two answers.

I picked C and D and turns out it is A and B. I misread the question and it is A because birch appears twice and then it will not return the intended value of 2 because it is repeated. Then I realized what the question was asking and then I finally understood my mistake.

This is what I’ve learnt so far